FAQ - Sustainability Consultancy Programme

What is the Sustainability Consultancy Programme?

The Sustainability Consultancy Programme aims to promote corporate environmental and social responsibility in line with COP28, the UAE's Net Zero 2050, and Saudi Arabia's Net Zero 2060 initiatives. The programme offers a free GHG assessment to the first eight eligible organisations and a 30% discount to the next fifteen qualifying entities.

Who is eligible for the programme

Eligibility for the Sustainability Consultancy Programme is determined by a set of criteria. Organisations interested in participating must either be based in or have significant operations within the UAE or Saudi Arabia. A genuine commitment to enhancing sustainability practices is essential. The programme specifically targets large-sized entities that can influence the market and have a considerable environmental footprint. It's designed for organisations belonging to sectors with high environmental impacts or those with substantial potential for sustainability improvements. Additionally, participating organisations must be willing and able to provide the necessary data for a comprehensive sustainability assessment. A commitment to actively engaging with the results of the assessment and considering the implementation of the provided recommendations is also required.

How does the application process work

The application process for the Sustainability Consultancy Programme is straightforward and designed to assess an organisation's eligibility and commitment to sustainability. Interested organisations must first ensure they meet the necessary qualification criteria. Following this, they are required to submit an application that provides details on their sustainability goals, practices, and level of commitment. Once the application is submitted, a dedicated team evaluates it against the established criteria to select the qualifying organisations. Successful applicants will then undergo a comprehensive GHG assessment. After the assessment, a detailed report will be provided, offering insights and actionable recommendations to help propel the organisation's sustainability journey forward.

What does the GHG assessment involve?

The GHG assessment is a multi-stage process designed to provide a detailed evaluation of an organization's greenhouse gas emissions. Initially, it involves the development of a GHG Inventory for Scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions, which includes defining the accounting boundaries and collecting relevant data. After establishing this inventory, the programme identifies emission hotspots within the organization and suggests potential emission reduction targets, which are then refined and agreed upon with internal stakeholders. Additionally, support is provided for the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) validation, which encompasses completing and submitting the necessary forms, albeit the submission fees are borne by the customer. The final stage of the assessment is creating a strategic roadmap along with recommending best practices and initiatives tailored to reduce the emission impacts and achieve the set targets.

How long does the GHG assessment process take?

The GHG assessment process is thorough and detailed, taking approximately 4 to 6 months to complete. This timeframe allows for a comprehensive collection and analysis of data to ensure accurate and actionable insights. Organisations should plan their activities and timelines accordingly to accommodate this phase of the sustainability journey.

How is the privacy of the data and information shared during the assessment ensured?

We take the confidentiality and security of your data very seriously. All information provided during the GHG assessment process is managed with the strictest privacy protocols, ensuring that your sensitive information is safeguarded throughout the assessment.

How can I apply for the program?

You can begin your application by clicking on the "Begin Application" link on the program's landing page.

Who can I contact for more information?

For more information or specific queries, you can get in touch with the programme team through the "Contact Us" section on the landing page.

Is there a deadline for application submissions?

The Sustainability Consultancy Programme operates on a first-come, first-served basis. Given the limited number of organisations that can receive the free GHG assessment and the available discount for subsequent applicants, it is recommended that interested entities apply as soon as possible to secure their place in the programme.

Can smaller organizations or start-ups apply?

The Sustainability Consultancy Programme is specifically designed for large-sized entities with significant market influence and environmental footprints. As such, smaller organisations and start-ups are not the target audience for this programme and are not eligible to apply. The focus is on larger organisations that are positioned to make substantial impacts on sustainability practices within their sectors and regions.

Are there any costs involved?

The first Eight eligible organisations receive a free GHG assessment. The next fifteen qualifying entities get a 30% discount. Additional costs, such as the SBTi submission fee, will be paid by the customer.